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TLM / Grandd Central
Articles with instructions & tips for navigating the TLM side of Findd's platform
Where Can I View the Audits For an Employee Accrual?
How can I limit the locations where my employees can punch on their personal devices?
How Can I Be Notified If My Employee Sends Me a Note From Mobile?
How to use Product Tours in Findd
Can My Employees Send Me Messages About Their Timecards From The App?
How Can I Tell Who Last Edited an Employee Profile?
What are Pay Groups and How Do I Make Them?
I forgot my user email, how can I find it?
I forgot my password, how can I reset it?
What happens when GPS is set to OFF while Punching?
Does Findd Mobile Facial Recognition Work Offline?
How long will Punch History data store in my mobile app?
Why Does My Device Show A Message For Re-Registration?
What happens if an employee forgets to Punch-OUT?
What Will Happen to My Employee Punches During Daylight Savings?
I forgot my PIN and I cannot punch in. What should I do?
When I punch out the system records a punch in instead?
My punches aren't showing in Grandd Central, but show as uploaded on device?
How can I reset another account user's password?
What permissions need to be enabled on my device to use the Findd Mobile App?
What is a Timecard Audit Report?
How can I delete facespaces?
What does Hierarchy Navigation mean?
How can I add an employee email to Grandd Central?
Why aren't my punches uploading to Grandd Central?
What does SYSTEM ROUNDED mean in an employees timecard?
How can I view my employee's profile?
Can I set up required breaks for my employees?
How do I re-register an employee's facial recognition registration?
Facial registration was conducted but the face spaces are not showing in Grandd Central?
What are face spaces?
Why does my device say Transfer when I want to Punch Out?
How can I verify that my punches have been uploaded from my device?
How can I add a location to a hierarchy?
How do you change a device from clock mode to mobile clock mode?
How to Register Facial Recognition on Devices
How to View Timecards and Payroll-Based on Pay Group
How Can I Process Payroll For a Single Employee?
Removing a Device from Findd
Background Punch Upload for iOS
Manually Selecting a Job When Punching
Device Software Version
Findd App Version
Clock Modes (Overview)
Employee Self-Register Device
Registering A Device Through An Administrator
Download The Findd App (iOS)
Download The Findd App (Android)
Submitting a Support Ticket
Personal Mode Device Punching
Manual Sync of Changes
Mobile Clock Mode Device Punching
Clock Mode Device Punching
Selecting A Position While Punching
Employee Approve Timecard
Selecting Punch Location
View and Submit Leave Requests
How to Transfer to a new location
Mobile App Minimum System and Hardware Requirements
Timecard Report Overview
Supervisor Timecard Approval Overview
Create Custom Timecard Approval Message
How to Export Failed Punches
Global Punch Feature (Add & Edit)
Punch Export Errors and Solutions
Expenses Overview
Manual Timecard Changes
Missing Punches
Timecards Calculation (The Basics)
Approve Timecards
Component Timecards
Editing Timecards
Timecards Dashboard
Types of Exceptions
Rounding Rules
Employee Files
Employee Timecard / Profile Audit Screen
Employee-level Positions
Change Employee Pin/ID
Overview of Employee Settings
Change Employee Status From Active to Inactive
Deleting Employees
Changing Employee Profile Photos
Search For an Employee
What does "Default Employee Level" mean?
Adding Employees
Exempt Employees
Hierarchy Setup - Hierarchy Concepts
Hierarchy Setup - Add Levels Into Grandd Central
Hierarchy Setup: Add Hierarchy Items
Hierarchy Settings - Overview & Inheritance
Hierarchy Settings - Auto Breaks
Hierarchy Settings - Auto Transfers
Hierarchy Settings - Position
Hierarchy Settings - Overtime
Timecard Report By Hierarchy
Mobile Breaks
Pre Punch Questions