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Honor-Based Time Entry Overview
Honor-Based Time Entry Overview

In this article, we will go over the Honor-Based Time Entry and how to accept Suspense Punches.

Laura Munevar avatar
Written by Laura Munevar
Updated over a week ago

Honor-Based Time Entry allows employees to manually record their work hours directly in the Findd Engage mobile app. To enable this feature, ensure "Allow Honor Based Entry" is activated in the employee's User Policy settings.

Steps for Employees:

  1. Access Timecards in Findd Engage:

    • Open the Findd app and enter your clock PIN.

    • Tap "Timecards" at the bottom of the screen.

    • A quick biometric scan will verify your identity for security.

  2. Add Time Entry:

    • Select the date you want to add time to.

    • Tap "Add" at the bottom right; this opens the "Add New PunchSet" window.

    • Enter your "IN" and "OUT" times by tapping the hour or minute and entering the correct values. Tap "OK" to confirm.

      • Note: If account-level punching is restricted, you may need to enter the job and other required information.

  3. Save Time Entry:

    • Tap "Save" at the bottom right; your time entry will be displayed.

  4. Edit Time Entry:

    • To edit an existing entry, tap anywhere within the "IN" and "OUT" time box.

    • Make your changes in the new window that appears.

    • Tap Save.

Supervisor Approval:

All punches entered manually on the app will be placed in a state of Suspense for supervisors to review before any other approvals can be issued.

  1. Review Suspense Punches:

    • Option 1 - Records Tab: Approve punches individually from the Records tab, they will appear with a yellow hazard symbol.

    • Option 2 - Timecards Tab:

      • Navigate to the Timecards tab.

      • Click the yellow hazard symbol indicating Suspense Punches.

      • Review all Suspense Punches.

      • Tap Accept Suspense Punches at the bottom right.

  2. Employee Timecard Approval:

    • Once Suspense Punches are accepted, employees can approve their timecards in the app.

    • Tap Approve Your Timecard, add a signature, and submit.

    • The approved status will be displayed.

  3. Supervisor Weekly Approval:

    • In the Timecard View, supervisors can approve the entire week's timecard by tapping the Approve Timecard button.

      • Note: This is only possible if there are no missing punch sets.

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