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Overview of Dashboard

The Dashboard page lists employees that are working, approaching overtime, and in overtime.

Grace Aitken avatar
Written by Grace Aitken
Updated over 7 months ago

The dashboard is a quick option for checking the status of currently punched-in employees. It provides a map view displaying the locations and the number of employees punched in.

How Employees Are Filtered

Using the selector at the top right, you can filter employees by hierarchy. Additionally, you can toggle "Show Direct Reports Only" to show only the employees who report directly to you.

  • The first tab will show "Working Employees." This tab provides a list of all employees currently working.

The Approaching Overtime tab will show all employees who meet the following criteria:

  • Worked the selected job at least once in the week selected (based on the day selection)

  • TOTAL hours for the week is greater than 32 hours but less than 40 hours

  • See the "Approaching Overtime and Overtime Example" example below

The Overtime tab will show all employees who meet the following criteria:

  • Worked the selected job at least once in the week selected (based on the day selection)

  • TOTAL hours for the week is equal to or greater than 40 hours

  • See the "Approaching Overtime and Overtime Example" example below

Approaching Overtime and Overtime Example

  • Bob is an employee who worked 1 hour on Monday for Job ABC

  • For the remainder of the week, Bob worked another 35 hours at Job XYZ

  • When viewing the dashboards for either Job, Bob will show in the list of Approaching Overtime

  • If Bob worked another 10 hours at another job, bringing the Week Total to 46 hours, Bob would show in the Overtime tab for all three Jobs


You may also create and download Attendance and Emergency reports using the reports icon. These will help you know who is currently working in your account. You can choose between a spreadsheet with the punch in details, or a PDF file that also displays the punch in picture.

*PDF File Example*

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