Employee-level Positions
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Written by Findd Sales
Updated over a week ago

Positions in Findd allow employees to by dynamic with their roles. With positions, you can do the following:

  • Create a general position for every employee

  • Modify the general position for individual employees

  • Create a unique position for a specific employee

For a brush up on positions, take a look at our positions guide. This guide will go over how to modify existing positions or create unique positions for specific employees.

Edit Existing Positions

1. In Grandd Central, navigate to the Employees tab and search for an employee.


2. Click on an employee and their profile will appear.

3. Notice the employee toolbar, and click on the Positions tab.

4. Click the plus button to add a new position for the employee.


5. Toggle the Linked Account Position to on, and a drop down menu will appear. This allows you to select a hierarchy position you've already created.

6. Once you have selected an existing position the input fields will populate with the settings for that position. To modify them, toggle the override to on and make the changes.


7. Click Add Position and now that employee can punch with that position.

Note: The account level position will not be changed due to the modifications you make. Changes will be made only for the employee you're on.

Create Unique Position

To create a new unique position for an employee, follow the steps below.

1. In Grandd Central, navigate to the Employees tab and search for an employee.


2. Click on an employee and their profile will appear.

3. Notice the employee toolbar, and click on the Positions tab.


4. Click the plus button to add a new position for the employee.

5. Fill out the popup form and click Add Position


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