Grandd Central allows account administrators to configure the settings of their employees' pay through Pay Groups and Pay Types.
Create Pay Group
1. In Grandd Central, go to the Account tab and then to the settings sub-tab.
2. Click on the Pay Configuration section.
3. To add a new Pay Group click the Plus Button and fill out the pop-up form.
Maximum Punch Set Length: How long after an employee punches in does the system assume that the employee forgot to punch out.
Pay Period Start Day: Choose what day the pay period starts each week
Workday Start Time: What time the workday starts
Pay Calendar Type: Can be set to Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, or Semi-monthly
Default Pay Type: What pay type will be the default for punches
Pay Types
- Click Plus Button
- Choose Pay Types from the drop-down menuCustom Overtime: Ability to set custom overtime rules for employees
4. By default, there is a Regular pay group with the following specifications:
Maximum Punch Set Length: 12
Pay Period Start Day: Monday
Pay Calendar Type: Weekly
Create Pay Type
1. In Grandd Central, go to the Account tab and then to the settings sub-tab.
2. Click on the Pay Configuration section.
3. Click over to the Pay Types section.
4. To add a new Pay Type click the Plus Button and fill out the pop-up form
Pay Type Code: If importing/exporting to another system
- Used when exporting payroll data to a third-party system and to identify what time attributes to each pay type.Paid Time: Yes/No
- Examples: unpaid type for breaks, paid holidaysContribute to Accruals: Yes/No
- When an employee logs hours into a specified pay type it will contribute to an accrual amountUse Towards Overtime: Yes/No
- For example, any regular hours worked over 40 converts to overtime, but not the pay type set for a lunch/break.
5. When you are finished don't forget to add your Pay Type to the Pay Group where it will be used.
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