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Exempt Employees

Description of the Exempt status and the toggle's function in Findd.

Grace Aitken avatar
Written by Grace Aitken
Updated over a week ago

"Exempt" means an employee is not required to be paid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and they typically hold administrative, professional, or executive positions, while "non-exempt" means an employee is eligible for overtime pay and usually performs more manual or technical tasks, often paid hourly. Exempt employees are typically salaried, meaning they receive a fixed paycheck regardless of hours worked.

An employee can be marked as Exempt in Findd under their User Information.

This toggle is used to indicate when an employee is salaried. It will NOT, however, exclude them from overtime calculations. This toggle is used when the "Exclude Exempt Employees from Payroll" feature is turned ON in your account. With custom configuration, this toggle can be used for other exclusions. Please chat with a member of our team with any further questions about turning a feature on in your account, or custom configuration!

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