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Types of Exceptions
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Written by Findd Sales
Updated over 7 months ago

Grandd Central allows an administrator to view any exceptions to the rules set by the organization. This guide will review the different types of exceptions.

Based on the Findd features your organization uses, your account may or may not have all of these exceptions.

Standard Exceptions

Biometric - The punch made by the employee had a biometric score below the Biometric Threshold (default 95%).

Location - The punch was recorded in a location outside of the location's geofence.

Missing Punches - An employee's punch set is not complete (missing an in or out punch).

Timecard Approval Exceptions

Supervisor Approval - A supervisor has not approved an employee's timecard.

Employee Approval - The employee has at least one missing approval.

Scheduling Exceptions

These exceptions are all based on the scheduling settings that your account has (i.e. how long after a shift is an employee "late").

Missed In - An employee has missed their scheduled shift.

Early In - An employee has punched in earlier than their scheduled shift.

Late In - An employee was late to their shift.

Early Out - An employee left their shift earlier than scheduled.

Late Out - An employee left their shift later than scheduled.

Missed Break - An employee missed a scheduled break.

Long Break - An employee went on break but the break time was longer than specified in the schedule/settings.

No Shift - An employee has punched without a scheduled shift.

Suspense Punches

Suspense Punches are punches that were recorded but were not added to an employee's timecard for one reason or another. See the different types of suspense punches listed below

Inactive User - The employee was marked as inactive in their profile in Grandd Central

Missing Punch - If an employee punches in but forgets to punch out, this will populate as a suspense punch as well.

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