Timecard Report By Hierarchy
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Written by Findd Sales
Updated over a week ago

You may want to get a time report for a specific hierarchy location to (among other reasons) bill a client or to track overall hours. You may also want to filter by certain dates to provide clear, simple, and detailed reports for your clients or your organization.

This guide will show how to download a report specific to a hierarchy location and filter by dates.

Steps to Download Report

1. Filter to the Hierarchy item by using the Hierarchy filter in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Once in the correct hierarchy, select the “Hierarchy” tab in the left menu. Select Records.


3. Here you can view every single punch for that location.

4. In the upper right-hand corner, you’ll notice a button that says “Hierarchy Punch Report.” Click and you can now filter by the exact date or range of dates.


5. VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you check the checkbox “Restrict To Dates” to filter the exact timeframe you set. Otherwise, the report will include hours for days in the same week, that are not within the timeframe.

6. Click “Download PDF” and a detailed report will download to your computer.

If you have any more questions, please email support@findd.io and we will be glad to answer your questions.

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